So who is Clarissa?
Welcome to the Many Worlds of Clarissa. This is a place for me (Clarissa) to share what I'm thinking about, alongside pieces of fiction which don't fit so well in other places.
I write mainly YA fantasy. Both the Dragons of Kaitstud and Lost Princess of Starlight series are available across all good retailers in electronic and print formats.
What I write
On here, I share snippets of fiction, these could be related to my other, longer works, or stand alone pieces unrelated to anything else. Micro-fiction, or flash fiction is a side interest of mine as that length constraint forces you, as the author, to focus down on what is most important to convey.
The other type of content I post here are what I've called Musings. These are thoughts about what is going on araound me. As an ex-pat mother of two, they could be family related as much as business, or related to world affairs.
What to expect here
At the moment, I am working out how substack works and what sorts of content I want to post how frequently. So, there is no schedule. Especially with the summer and all the disruption that will bring with it. Once we are into autumn, I will, hopefully, have more of a sense about what I want to do on here and how I will do that.
For now, everything is freely available to everyone. Though I do plan in the future to implement subscription levels. Exactly how, when and for what is still something I'm working out. Watch this space for more information when I do set that up.